United Methodist Africa Forum's Legislative Priorities and Concerns for the General Conference

12 April 2024

Dear African Bishops

Grace and Peace!

Greetings in the name of our resurrected Lord and Savior! We hope that this letter finds you well as you prepare to participate at the upcoming General Conference in Charlotte, NC. We wish you and all delegations a safe travel. 

The United Methodist Africa Forum would like to thank you all for the leadership you are providing in the life of our denomination in these difficult and trying times.  A lot has happened since the 2019 General Conference, and we realize the important decisions that are to be made at the upcoming General Conference. We pray for God’s continued strength, wisdom, and courage for all of you as you lead us into the future of our beloved denomination.

In the past few weeks, we learnt of challenges being faced by some delegates in acquiring visas and delays experienced by some delegates and alternate delegates receiving invitation letters which is necessary to secure visa appointments. We have communicated these concerns and expressed disappointment with the Secretary of the General Conference. We are concerned that these delays may lead to a significant absence of African delegates to the General Conference, therefore limiting the full participation of United Methodists from Africa in making important decisions that will shape the future of our denomination.

The United Methodist Africa Forum has been actively working to ensure full participation of delegates from Africa at the General Conference and advocate the passage of legislative proposals that further the views and interests of the church in Africa. We would like to share with you legislative priorities identified by UMAF, these are reiterations of resolutions reached in Johannesburg April 21-24, 2023, and Dar es salaam January 4-7, 2024.

UMAF will be advocating for African delegates to pass the Christmas Covenant legislation as approved in both Johannesburg and in Dar es Salaam forums by African delegates. We believe this is the best legislation that encompasses our understanding and appreciation of regionalization. Though other proposals with regards to regionalization are being advanced by other groups, such as the worldwide regionalisation that seeks to create different structures for the church in the USA and amend paragraphs 23-27 in a way that takes away General Conference legislative powers and allocate that only to the USA region and not allowing any other region in the church to have same structure. In the spirit of equity and mutuality, we believe that that this legislation, though promoted through the lens of decolonization, establishes a form of apartheid in the denomination where the USA continues to be treated differently and with extra powers not applicable to other regions.  We are convinced that the Christmas Covenant provides parity and equality amongst all regional conferences in the United Methodist Church. Passing the worldwide regionalisation will only further the divide and inequity in the denomination.

UMAF will be advocating for African delegates on the amendment of the Revised Social Principles on the definition of Marriage.

We support the adoption of the revised Social Principles with the following amendment: "Within the church, we affirm marriage as a sacred, lifelong covenant that brings a man and a woman of faith together..." (in place of. “two people of faith) [1].

UMAF will be advocating for African delegates to General to oppose any legislation that will be seeking to extend disaffiliations. We agreed any legislation to promote disaffiliations will disturb the church in Africa. We unequivocally reject all proposals for disaffiliation within the United Methodist Church in Africa. We declare our firm commitment to remain faithful members and work towards the Church's continued unity and growth.

UMAF will be advocating for African delegates to the General Conference to maintain the standards of ordination in the United Methodism Church in Africa as it is.  As UMAF we uphold what is stated in the UMC Book of discipline paragraph 304.3 regarding homosexuality that it is incompatible with Christian teaching.

UMAF Will be advocating for African delegates to the General Conference to support the continued financial support for Africa University and educational development in Africa.  We endorse the General Council on Finance and Administration (GCFA) Report #4 and call for continued prioritization of the Africa University Fund, aiming to maintain funding at the 2016 level through World Service Special Gifts. This will support the ongoing development, construction, and endowment of Africa.

We support the petition from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry to the General Conference for a $5 million quadrennial fund to support educational development in Africa, both secular and theological.

These are the legislative priorities UMAF will be supporting for the African Church at the upcoming General Conference. It is our observation and understanding that the USA church is pushing the defeat of the Christmas Covenant in favour of a USA focused legislation, and an opportunity to change the definition of marriage in the social principles. We will do our best to oppose these efforts as we maintain our scriptural understanding and historic teachings of the church. 

As always, we appreciate your prayers, wisdom and encouragement as we continue to support your leadership of our denomination in making disciples of Jesus Christ.

God bless you in all you do, Peace,

United Methodist Africa Forum Leadership.

Rev Lloyd Nyarota                                                              Rev. Gabrial Banga Mususwa

General Coordinator                                                    General Secretary


[1] THE SOCIAL COMMUNITY, The Nurturing Community, D. Marriage


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